Clearly I'm terrible at following my own self-imposed deadlines!
I have hit publish on my Christmas issue today with some reservations, it's not complete, there are gaps as you
will notice.
However I had concerns if I kept on, you might have lost all interest and made all your Christmas plans without me,
perhaps you have done that anyway. But at least now you can see some of my festive issue.
I will endeavour to get more of the recipes and ideas up over the weekend and also reply to your lovely, lovely
comments you have left in the Advent calendar. Thank you so much, I really do appreciate every single message.
Now to the Vanilla extract and Vanilla sugar you see beside, would you like it?
Leave me a comment telling me how you would use it, what would you bake, cook or create with it?
My fairies and I will draw a winner and send it off to you to put under your Christmas tree!
This giveaway has now closed!
Congratulations to Sue! of Couscous & Consciousness
Keep checking behind the Christmas Puddings each day, there are more surprises and giveaways on their way!
Again sadly this is only open to people with a New Zealand address to send it to. Entries close next Monday the 13th
December 2010 at 3pm (NZST)