- Crêpes Suzette
- For the crêpes:
- 1 cup of plain white flour
- ½ teaspoon of salt
- ½ teaspoon of baking power
- 3 eggs
- 1¾ cups of milk
- 1 tablespoon of melted butter
- extra butter for greasing the pan
- For the sauce:
- 125 grams of caster sugar
- 1 cup of orange juice freshly squeezed
- 1 orange, the filleted segments, peeled & trimmed of all white pith
- 2 tablespoons of freshly grated orange zest
- 1 teaspoon of freshly grated lemon zest
- 1 tablespoon of Brandy or Cognac
- 1 tablespoon of Grand Marnier
- 50 grams of butter, cut into small dice
- In a large bowl sift the flour, salt and baking powder and add the sugar.
- In another bowl or measuring jug whisk the eggs and milk together.
- Slowly pour the egg mixture into the flour mixture together with the 1 tablespoon of melted butter, stirring
constantly to form a smooth runny batter.
- Cover and refrigerate the batter for 1 to 2 hours.
- Heat a small fry pan or crêpe pan over a medium to high heat and drop a small piece of butter in, swirling
the pan to grease it lightly.
- Pour small ladles of crêpe batter into the pan and quickly swirl it around again to coat the bottom.
- Continue to cook over a medium heat until the crêpe appears to be golden at the edge.
- Loosen the edges of the crêpe with a palate knife or spatula, being sure it hasn’t stuck to the pan
- Now if you are the confident cook flip the crêpe, if not.. then by all means slide a palate knife under the
crêpe and turn it over to continue cooking the second side for half a minute or so.
- Slide the crêpe out onto a plate, covering it with a clean tea towel to keep warm and repeat with the
remaining batter.
- Fold the crêpes into quarters ready for adding to the sauce.
- Makes 8 to 12 large crêpes.
- To make the sauce:
- Over a medium-low heat melt the sugar in a large frying pan, tilting the pan to reach an even rich and golden
- Carefully add the orange juice, segments and zest simmering for 1 to 2 minutes until the caramel dissolves into a
rich syrup.
- Add the crêpes and spoon over the sauce.
- Pour in the Brandy and Grand Mariner and if you wish at this stage you can carefully with your head and chest well
back flambé the crêpes by tilting the pan to a gas flame or with a match. Keep a large saucepan lid handy
to extinguish the flame quickly if needs be!
- Add the butter cubes and shake the pan to disperse and melt them evenly.
- Serve the crêpes immediately.
