This simple Udon Noodle Soup topped with a poached egg is a firm favourite in our family. Perfect for nesting up with
in front of a holiday movie or after returning from a chilly walk to warm the cheeks on our wind blown faces.
- Flooded Udon Noodle Nests
- 200 grams of dry udon noodles
- 6 cups of home made chicken stock
- 2 cups of chopped vegetables, I used a mixture of broccoli and sweetcorn
- 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
- 5 fresh free range eggs
- 1 tablespoon of white wine vinegar, for poaching the eggs
- small bunch of chives chopped
- soy sauce, salt and pepper to taste
- Cook the udon noodles in a pot of boiling water according to the directions on the packet, approximately 8 minutes
or until al denté.
- Drain and plunge them into a bowl of icy cold water for a minute or so and drain again.
- Place the chicken stock, vegetables and garlic in a large saucepan.
- Bring to the boil and reduce heat to a gentle simmer until the vegetables are tender.
- Meanwhile in another shallow pan heat gently simmering water with a tablespoon of white wine vinegar.
- Swirl the simmering water and carefully drop in 4 of the fresh eggs, 1 at a time to poach.
- Spoon over the hot water to seal the yolk in the cooked white, continue to poach for 4 minutes or until all the
white is set, but the yolk still runny inside.
- Carefully remove and drain the poached eggs with a slotted spoon and set aside.
- Crack the remaining egg into a cup, beat lightly and slowly pour it into to the simmering soup of vegetables and
stock, whipping the soup at the same time to form 'strings' of cooked egg.
- Return the noodles to heat in the hot soup and season to taste.
- Ladle 4 bowls of the hot udon noodles, vegetables and broth, top with each with a poached egg and a generous
sprinkling of chopped chives.
- Serves 4
