Here is a selection of some favourite recent comments from readers.
Thank you all for your kind words and encouraging feedback. I love receiving them.
- We decided to celebrate Waitangi Day this year, as my partner Andy has such fantastic memories of his trip to
New Zealand in 2002, so luckily I found your blog with your wonderful recipes, and we made the most delicious pavlova
we’ve ever tasted following your recipe! Thank you for sharing it with us. - Sue, Cumbria, U.K.
- On Pavlova - or how to lose friends and influence people
- I’ve been viewing your site for a while now, and I just love the aesthetic and creativity. I can’t wait to
try this recipe! I would love to see what you come up with for a doughnut recipe! Have you ever made any before? -
- On Lemon and Blackcurrant Syrup Shot Popsicles
- Bron replies...
- Thank you Chloe,
- here are a couple of my previously posted Doughnut Recipes
- Mini Chocolate Matcha Doughnuts & Cornmeal Doughnuts with Coriander Sugar
- I was just searching for a pumpkin and cauliflower recipe and up popped this one. It looks amazing and I cant
wait to try it tonight. Thanks so much for sharing your wisdom Bron. And thank goodness for the internet. - Angie
- On Spiced Pumpkin and Cauliflower Soup a.k.a Refrigerator Soup Week
- I have never heard of tataekuri.. but it looks like it goes hand and hand with this dish. We love lamb at our
house, though we don’t have it often.. I would hope that my meal looks just like your when it’s finished but for
some reason it rarely turns out that way! -Sylvia
- On Horopito Lamb Chops with Tutaekuri Wedges and Yams