«previous next»Monday 10th March 2008Holding on to Summer with Barbecued Chilli, Lemongrass and Ginger Whole Snapper | |||||||||||||||||||||
![]() It may officially be Autumn and it's true my shoes are getting a little soppy with the heavy dew in the grass on our morning walks now, but I'm holding onto Summer with all my might, and taking advantage of the last few days and week of daylight savings. I have to be honest I've never really understood "daylight savings" I mean where's the saving? Who's saving? I guess young children are saved a little from earlier bedtimes as evening meals tend to be later... but honestly, does it really make that much of a difference? There's always going to be more hours of evening sunlight in the Summer, that's why they call it Summer and if people crave that much more light in the evenings, why isn't daylight saving on all year round? Wouldn't it make more sense to have some extra light in the Winter evenings as well? I must say it's quite cool getting an extra hour in the Autumn though, even though the signs of winter approaching are depressing enough. I always enjoy an extra hours sleep. So as the light in the evening is getting shorter and will be even shorter when we turn the clocks back next weekend, we've been making the most of what's left with our last few Summer weekend barbecues. A couple of weekends ago now we barbecued this Chilli, Lemongrass and Ginger Whole Snapper serving it with a crisp Nashi and Lime Salsa. ![]() Buying whole fish has always seemed that little bit extra special to me. I'm not really sure why as it certainly isn't easier to prepare, it takes some patience to clean, gut and scale the fish for starters and if you decide to cook it whole it again is fairly labour intensive to ensure that most of the flesh is utilised and enjoyed without piercing your oesophagus with any of the nasty sharp little bones. Not to mention the freaky little eyes (or what were once eyes) on the table peering back at you. (NB: I do have a photo including this fella's "freaky eye" - but I didn't want to scare you. Of course, if I get enough requests in the comments I'd be happy to post it up and share it with you) ![]() However, with all that said, buying whole fish is definitely the best way to know the fish you're eating is the freshest fish you can get. I really enjoy visiting and shopping for produce, so when I visit my new local fish market these are the things I look (and smell!) out for when buying fresh fish...
Enjoy! ![]() | |||||||||||||||||||||
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